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DIAMO, state enterprise is an organization that implements the mitigation of the consequences of mining activities after uranium, ore and part of coal mining in the Czech Republic. Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: Cooperate with CTH on REEs recovery and acid re-utilization for Fen deposit and testing tailings material from Rozna Pilot REE […]



Less Common Metals Ltd is a world leader in the manufacture and supply of complex alloy systems and metals and are specialists in those based on rare earth elements Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: Engineering and design of multi-electrode cells with automatic tapping for higher efficiency of REA production. Commissioning and validation of […]


Prospex Institute

Prospex Institute (PI) is a Brussels-based not-for-profit specialising in citizen & stakeholder engagement. PI expertise includes social research, process design, facilitation, foresight, project management and policy & regulatory analysis. Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: PI is responsible to deliver policy recommendations for a strategically autonomous REE value chain in Europe.



Consulting and engineering from scratch to plant. In addition to a mechanical and process engineering and chemical production departments, we rely on our clean technology department which gives us the tools to develop sustainable solutions. Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: Inovertis will demonstrate the lowering of environmental impact through of a European-based REE […]



PNO Innovation Belgium is specialized in Innovation Management and funding, providing support services to private and public organizations in Innovation processes, Technology Transfer, IT solutions and funding for research, development and innovation. Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: PNO will lead Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities and will bring its international consulting experience into […]



Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies is one of founding faculties of Technical University of Košice (TUKE). Faculty is a strategic partner of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, participates in the establishment of Slovak Raw Material Policy and it reaches great results […]



A research group focussing on both recycling of mainly metals but also a nuclear installation with possibilities to handle substantial amounts of radioactive material. We also have solvent extraction equipment from smaller labs scale to pilot processing Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: Purify material from its radioactive components using hydrochemistry.



TUDelft is the oldest Dutch technical university. The Section Resources & Recycling (within the Department of Engineering Structures) is best known for its innovations in solid waste recycling. In the past 10 years, EU-, national- and industry-funded research on innovative physical separation principles led to a dozen new process concepts, of which more than half […]


Magneti Ljubljana

Magneti Ljubljana is a European manufacturer of permanent metallic magnets, bonded magnets and magnetic systems with a long-lasting tradition, since 1951. Main tasks and responsibilities in the project: Production of strip-casted Rare Earth Magnetic Alloy and validation of Nd-based permanent magnets.  


REE Minerals

Ree Minerals AS is dedicated to developing the Fen field, which contains Europe’s largest deposit of light rare earth elements, enough to cover considerable demand in EU for decades and strategically located close to key markets. The deposit contains a high share of critical elements and readily available for bulk mining with low exploitation and […]